Felix Gomez Guillamon Jurado

Starting Halos Digital Agency | Ep1

29th August 2022

Before starting with the topic in question I’d like to explain how these episodes will look like. The idea is to do a monthly run-up on how the agency is going and writing about things that happened and anything related really. In short, It’d be a broad overview of the Agency’s progress as a way to keep track of it and document the process along the way. Enjoy!

At the end of July 2022, in the midst of a global geopolitical crisis, my associate Marc & I decided to build an advertising agency offering services to increase sales for E-commerce & SaaS brands. The end goal of this venture is to generate a cashflow business that can give both of us an important degree of financial comfort in the years to come. Eventually, stepping out and using the generated capital for future business ventures that each of us are truly passionate about.  That’s my idea at least. Below are a few bullets outlining our current situation after a month of slow summer work.

  • Company email + LinkedIn + call booking system set-up
  • Partnering with e-sports Spanish company to give us legal backing at the start.
  • Had an unsuccessful +420k followers entrepreneur offer deal. However, we learnt a lot on the call.
  • Access to a high-value network of +700 entrepreneurs who could be potential clients.
  • Access to a group of people who have expertise in the Agency space. Serving as indirect mentors.
felix gomez guillamon
felix gomez guillamon

Some of the many things that are left to do:

  • Create a Video Sales Letter for the website
  • Create a valuable audience on LinkedIn
  • Get better and educate ourselves on advertising tools
  • Set-up company independently and fully legalised
  • Learn all about client management, operating procedures, automations and service delivery.
  • Have a clear pricing structure and call scripts + learn how to sell better
  • Learn and implement tools for managing the agency (CRM, Invoices & contracts, finances, etc)

We’ve agreed on the name «Halos Digital» and had our ownership percentage split in order and decided roles inside the company. Marc is now the COO, taking care of the communications, operations and client acquisition space. I am now the CEO, and basically take care of the service delivery , technical tasks and broad company day-to-day functionality. 

We are now looking to do the VSL and get our first client as soon as possible, hopefully a long-term one. In addition, the money is not a priority at the moment, we NEED Case Studies.

That is it for now, will come back in about a month and update you on the progress…