Felix Gomez Guillamon Jurado

Winner of Stock Pitch Competition

Being team captain, my team and I presented in front of notable people like the Vice-President of Blackrock Spain, the CIO of Allianz Bank Spain, COO of Goldman Sachs Spain and other CIOs from top-notch financial and banking companies for being the winner of a Stock Pitch competition in Madrid, Spain.

The first time we were finalists and the second time we managed to win. Our winning Pitch was with the company Logitech [LOGI].


  • Carried out a detailed excel showcasing all financial valuations (DCF, Comps, Free Cash Flow, etc)


  • Calculated price targets in a 5 year time-frame (2022-2026), with a pessimistic, average and optimistic price target.


  • Produced a detailed company stock pitch presentation from scratch. You can view both of the presentations below.


  • Did through research into the companies and explained to the jury what the market was missing, backing all assumptions with numbers.


Logitech stock pitch competition
alphabet stock pitch
felix gomez guillamon
felix gomez guillamon